Creative Connections Panel:
Marketing, Self-Promotion, and Building Your Author Brand
Thursday, November 17th 2022; 7-8:30pm CT.
So far, our 2022 Creative Connections panels have explored the querying process and working with agents and editors. But what happens when your first (or second, or third, or twentieth!) book comes out? How can you best promote your book AND your author brand?
On Thursday, November 17th, join a diverse panel of authors and industry professionals to discuss the ins and outs of marketing and self-promotion. Whether you are pre-published, newly published, or have several publications under your belt, this panel will help you navigate a complicated industry and market.
NOTE: This event is intended for writers of diverse backgrounds. The conversation will address particular challenges that writers of diverse backgrounds face in the publishing industry and paths forward we can take as a community.
After a one-hour panel discussion moderated by members of the Writing Barn's Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion committee, we will welcome Q&A from participants for the last 30 minutes.